
Torchlight 2 builds reddit
Torchlight 2 builds reddit

torchlight 2 builds reddit

Also you can throw these anywhere lol…u dont have to target anything just keep throwing it.and the aoe is awesome.(example – owned the big slime guys on phase portal in new game plus) This is by far the most underrated skill we have!!!!!!…these scale with ur lvl.and at each lvl gives it a 5% chance increase to spawn a supermine (stuns), and this actually puts a dot on the enemy as well as shock so that ur *Spider mines –> 15 points – get this to 5 points early on.and keep it there until ur high enough to get rank 10 due to high mana cost (i think at lvl 46 you can get rank 10)

torchlight 2 builds reddit

*Healbot –> 15 points – this is by far the best skill the eng has over all the other characters.just keep putting points into this whenever u can!!!! Storm Burst –> 1 point or your preference – I actually did not get this skill until about lvl 70 and found that if i had this skill early on.i would not have died more than half the times.very useful except against some elites and bosses and make sure you watch out where ur bursting to because you might get stuck


So feel free to use any 1 handed weapon with good minion enchantments!! however – i found that at higher lvls i didnt even bother doing this because 1- monsters hit alot harder, 2- the mines and your minions (especially sledgebot) will break it

torchlight 2 builds reddit

Ember hammer –> 1 point – breaks shields 100% – very useful especially since you can take hits, so just run in break shields and let the mines and minions do the rest Skills – So since our main atk will be Spider mines (lvl 14)- i used flame hammer as my main atk until then.i did however recover the point before i added points to other skills.then added it as the last point so i can once again recover later on I was thinking bout putting some on dex to also get dodge but i was already too high a lvl and i did not want to mess up the build Its good to note that block chance caps at 50% so if anyone wants to do a variance of the build and go to dex or focus or watever its up to you ALL POINTS ON VITALITY – NOTHING ELSE WHY? – because all your skills will be based on player level as well as gear that adds minion damage or health sometimes your summons might get stuck in ledges – but just run far enough and theyll respawn near u or run to u Kinda hard to level in the beginning – i always played this character on elite mode and did not cheat n go to internet to play it on a lesser difficulty lol 50% block all the time.no need for spells etc Anywayz I would def recommend this build and will start myself a HC character when i get the chance.Les get started:


+13 трейнер (для версии 0.945).Распакуйте все файлы из архива.Запустите трейнер.Запустите игру, не закрывая трейнер.Во время игры нажимайте на клавиши, указанные в трейнере.Опции: HealthInf.AmmoNo ReloadFast PointsInf.Weapon PointsInf.Attribute PointsInf.Ship CrewInf.Ship HealthInf.Ship AmmunitionInf.Torchlight 2 Engineer Summoner Build Guide by BokudenĮver since the game came out, I’ve been looking for a way to be a summoner but also not be squishy or be one shotted like the alchemist from TL1 used to be…Then i came along the forums and saw a post regarding full vitality (cnt find the original sorry) and wanted to test it out on ELITE mode…Low and behold im lvl 81 going through New game plus like its normal mode.Ive died about 15 times usually due to my arrogance…traps that one shot u (elite mode they will).and using the cacklespit potion coz i was stuck on a rooftop of a building and i just beat vyrax tower and i wanted to pick up my loot.

Torchlight 2 builds reddit